CourseSmart > World's Largest Provider Of Digital Course Materials

CourseSmart is a venture supported by the leading publishers in North American higher education. Founded in 2007, CourseSmart provides eTextbooks and digital learning tools to millions of student and faculty users.

[Its] catalog includes over 90% of the core textbooks in use today in North American Higher Education as eTextbooks, as well as the largest online catalog of eResources and digital course materials available for instant access.

CourseSmart's comprehensive selection gives students, faculty, partners and institutions a new way to find and access exactly the course material they need in one place. Students and instructors can enjoy the benefits of anytime, anywhere access to important course materials at the click of a mouse from any web browser and on many popular devices (including the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch). CourseSmart eTextbooks are available in online and downloadable format.

Students Benefits
  • Guaranteed Savings - Saves money since CourseSmart eTextbooks cost an average of 60% less than a printed textbook.
  • Confidence - Assures that you are purchasing the exact materials assigned by instructors for use in class.
  • Instant Access - Allows for digital course materials to be accessed anytime, day or night.
  • Digital Convenience - Provides full text search, copy/paste, integration with most word processing programs, and the ability to print just what is needed.
  • Choice - Multiple formats available that support anytime, anywhere access to course materials on a variety of computers and devices.
  • Fidelity - CourseSmart eTextbooks maintain the valuable aspects of the print textbook including page numbers and page layout, as well as the ability to take notes and highlight passages.
  • Pearson
  • Cengage Learning
  • McGraw-Hill Education
  • Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group (Macmillan)
  • John Wiley & Sons
Distribution Partners
  • Jones and Bartlett Learning
  • Elsevier Science
  • WoltersKluwer Health (Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams)
  • FA Davis
  • Sinauer Associates
  • Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Princeton University Press
Product Features


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