Publisher CTO Panel: The Future Of eBooks Technology > TOC 2011

Abe Murray (Google, Inc. ) / 10:45 am / Tuesday / 02-15-2011

If 2010 was the year of ebooks then 2011 is the year of e-reading. As reader preferences change and the number of people buying and reading ebooks grows rapidly, systems and interfaces must adapt. The very definition of “a book” is in flux. Hear from a panel of publisher CTOs as they share their thoughts on evolving ebooks technologies and what e-reading might look like in the future. Catch the action as they debate the challenges and opportunities in high volume books digitization for a multitude of channels and devices as well as the merits of ebooks in the cloud. Join us for rousing discourse and participate by asking questions of your own.

Abraham Murray is a product manager on Google’s Books team. He works on multiple Books products, including Google Editions and Metadata. [snip]


