DRPFConsults.com > Get Ready For Digital Textbooks In K-12 Education

Get Ready For Digital Textbooks In K-12 Education / DRPFConsults.com /  April 21 2010 / Dr. Patricia Fioriello

A silent revolution has taken place in the world of school education in the form of digital textbooks online . It is though too early to say that traditional school education has lost the battle to digital textbooks online, but it can be safely claimed that digital textbooks online are gradually making their way to claim the prominent and even the only way of imparting school education.


Advantages of Digital Textbooks


The idea of creating digital textbooks online was conceived chiefly to cater to the K-12 students. They have been created according to the public and private school curriculum and has also taken care of the need of the homeschooling children. While regular students can take the advantage of digital textbooks online from their home as do the homeschoolers, it is also advantageous for teachers to help individual students with solutions that was otherwise difficult in the time bound class room teaching. [snip].

An added plus point of digital textbooks online is that the teachers after discussing the performance of a particular student with the parents can customize the curriculum. [snip]. Similarly, if a student shows potential in a particular subject more than the others, his study plan can also be customized accordingly. This customizing is impossible with traditional printed text books.

Digital Textbook Sites

When the uploading and conversion process of digital textbooks online is still an ongoing process, there has been already a good sizable library of digital textbooks online created. Digital textbooks online library consists of a good collection of language, science, mathematics and others subjects. [snip].

[snip]. Sites such as the Zinio, CourseSmart, Cengage Brain, McGraw-Hill eBookstore, Taylor and Francis eBookstore, eCampus.com, Vital Source Bookshelf, Books on Board, Universal Digital Textbooks and CafeScribe are some of the popular and authentic suppliers of digital textbooks online. While these sites claim a minimal cost for the textbooks, sites like Freeload Press, Textbook Revolution and Textbooksfree allow you to get your useful textbooks completely free of cost.